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Front Line Defenders Award

"All of these winners face tremendous personal risk because of their human rights work. At Front Line Defenders we are in awe at their courage and determination."

Alan Glasgow, Executive Director, 2024

About the Award

The annual Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk was established in 2005 to honour the work of HRDs who are courageously making outstanding contributions to the promotion and protection of the human rights of others, often at great personal risk to themselves.

The Award focuses international attention on the work and struggles of HRDs, providing a greater national and international platform to speak about and advocate for the human rights issues they are defending. 

Laureates are selected from among scores of candidates which are put forward in a secure, public nomination process carried out towards the end of each year and Award winners are announced on the day of the Award Ceremony in Dublin usually in May the following year. 

Laureates receive a modest financial prize and support from Front Line Defenders teams on digital and physical security, advocacy, visibility, wellbeing and more. 

Irish parliamentary Patrons of the Award include: Senator Róisín Garvey, Charlie Flanagan TD, Cormac Devlin TD, Ivana Bacik TD, and Sean Crowe TD.

Front Line Defenders 2024 Award Winners:

Africa: Gamito dos Santos Carlos of AJOPAZ, the Youth Association for Peace (Mozambique)

Americas: The Trans women collective Muñecas de Arcoíris (Honduras), represented by Jennifer Bexara Córdova

Asia and the Pacific: Sammi Deen Baloch of the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (Balochistan, Pakistan)

Europe and Central Asia: Doros Polykarpou of KISA (Cyprus)

Middle East and North Africa: We Are Not Numbers (Gaza, Palestine), represented by Ahmed Alnaouq

See full details here

Picture credit: Conor McCabe

Previous Global Laureates


Africa: Olivier Bahemuke Ndoole, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Americas: Segundo Ordóñez, Ecuador

Asia: Jeany 'Rose' Hayahay, Philippines

Europe & Central Asia: Digital Security Lab Ukraine, Ukraine

Middle East & North Africa: Hala Ahed, Jordan

Find out more about the 2023 Award winners


Africa: Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ), Zimbabwe

Americas: Javier del Tránsito and María del Tránsito Salvatierra, Mexico

Asia: Liah Ghazanfar Jawad, Afghanistan

Europe & Central Asia: Volha Harbunova, Belarus

Middle East & North Africa: Ameira Osman Hamid, Sudan


Africa: Aminata Fabba, Sierra Leone

Americas: Camila Moradia, Brazil

Asia: Mother Nature Cambodia, Cambodia

Europe & Central Asia 1: Siarhei Drazdouski & Aleh Hrableuski, Belarus

Europe & Central Asia 2: Mamadou Ba, Portugal

Middle East & North Africa: Sami & Sameeha Huraini, Palestine


Africa: Mekfoula Mint Brahim, Mauritania

Americas: Guardia Indígena del Cauca, Colombia

Asia: Juwairiya Mohideen, Sri Lanka

Europe & Central Asia: Lara Aharonian, Armenia

Middle East & North Africa: Fatima Al-Bahadly, Iraq


Award Winners; Global Laureate: Badr Baabou, Tunisia


Award Winners; Global Laureate: Nurcan Baysal, Turkey


Emil Kurbedinov, Ukraine


Ana Mirian Romero, Honduras


Guo Feixiong, China


SAWERA, Pakistan


Biram Dah Abeid, Mauritania


Razan Ghazzawi, Syria


Details of laureate withheld for security reasons.


Soraya Rahim Sobhrang, Afghanistan


Yuri Melini, Guatemala


Anwar Al-Bunni, Syria


Gégé Katana, Democratic Republic of Congo


Ahmadjan Madmarov, Uzbekistan


Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, Sudan