The 2013 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk was presented to Mauritanian anti-slavery campaigner Biram Dah Abeid.
"We live in dark times. It seems we are assailed daily with fresh atrocities. Welcome to a celebration of the courage of those who bring light and love to our world."
Elena Urlaeva, although released from the psychiatric hospital where she was being detained by a court order, is being forced to continue to take the drug Rispolept that is used to treat schizophrenia.
On 9 October 2016, Ms Elena Urlaeva and her colleague Ms Malohat Eshonkulova were forcefully detained and interrogated by Olot District Department of Internal Affairs police officers in the Bukhara region in Uzbekistan. The human rights defenders were detained while monitoring, interviewing and photographing medical workers and pupils coerced to work in cotton fields by the Uzbek district authorities.
On 13 May 2008, Uzbek authorities prevented the below-mentioned human rights defenders of the Human Rights Defenders Alliance of Uzbekistan from participating in a commemorative event, to mark the third anniversary of the Andijan massacre: Rasulzhon Tadjibaev, Shurat Ahmadzhonov, Elena Urlaeva and Saidagzam Askarov were arrested. Lyudmila Mingazova, Karima Kamalova, Akramhodzha Muhitidinov, Shadmanbek Fazilov and Tatyana Dovlatova were reportedly forced to stay in their homes by law enforcement officials.
On 26 October 2015, human rights defender Mr Dmitry Tikhonov learnt that his office, located in his house, in the city of Angren, was burned down on 20 October, while he was away travelling.
His technical equipment and documentation of human rights abuses in Uzbekistan were destroyed, while all other rooms in the house remained untouched.
On 13 June 2019, the journalist Timur Karpov was officially notified that the issuing of his passport was denied due to the request being considered ‘unreasonable’. The journalist has been trying to obtain the passport that would allow him to travel outside of Uzbekistan since 8 April 2019.