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23 April 2018

Dispatches 2017 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2017, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs. 2017 marks the 10th year of Risk Assessment and Protection Planning training, while the year also saw the expansion of the programme with the addition of a Security Advisor and an additional Protection Coordinator in West Africa.

6 May 2019

Dispatches 2018 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2018, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs.

7 February 2020

Produced with the support of the European Union, designed for cartoonists and available on the Cartooning for Peace website, this document brings together advice and information that can guide those who face specific or persistent threats because of their profession. With tips, testimonies and useful links, it focuses as much on risk prevention as on the response to threats and attacks.

Protection of Editorial Cartoonists

Blog Post
Berta Caceres - protest
22 October 2018
By Emma Achilli

The European Union is currently developing Guidelines on the Right to Water. Human rights defenders protecting their communities’ access to water around the world face lethal risks for their work, and their expertise must be central to the EU’s proposed Guidelines.

30 November 2017

The 2017 Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders brought together more than 110 human rights defenders (HRDs) from 99 countries and numerous international guests to share experiences, learn from each other and develop new and more effective strategies for their security and protection. This unique forum gave participating HRDs an opportunity to speak out about challenges and risks they face in their work, analyse new and well-established patterns of oppression and develop strategies to remain resilient and effective.

9 August 2016

Here are the activists at risk for defending them.

When members of Juan Francisco Martínez’s community found his body in January 2015, his body bore marks of torture. One of his hands was still tied with what appeared to be laces from military boots.

Juan, a human rights defender and indigenous Lenca man from Honduras, was found on 5 January 2015 in the village of Tapuyman in the Santa Elena Municipality of La Paz, Honduras. He had been killed the day before.

6 March 2017

Ana Maria has helped hundreds of Dominicans of Haitian descent reclaim their rights, and resist racism and discrimination. Lorraine leads innovative education initiatives, to raise awareness about environmental rights in communities affected by coal mining in South Africa. Nisha successfully challenged a law discriminating against transgender people in Malaysia, and set up the first organisation providing support to the trans community in her country.

19 June 2017

Search and Rescue organisations patrolling the Libyan coasts have saved thousands of lives that European border policies left to perish.

Despite their life-saving work, the employees and volunteers of these NGOs are routinely accused of colluding with traffickers and helping immigrants to illegally enter Europe.

7 August 2017

María Magdalena Tun didn’t choose to become a human rights defender. But when private companies started evicting local communities in her region, polluting the rivers and destroying the forests, she realised she could not sit idly by: she had to defend the rights of her people.


Across the world, women human rights defenders (WHRDs) are bringing about radical changes in their communities. They face immense risks to make their voices heard, to defy oppressive governments, to struggle for justice, and to resist racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and all forms of oppressions. On International Women's Day, we honour their struggle.

Ana Maria Belique
Lorraine Kakaza
Angélica Choc

Across the world, women human rights defenders (WHRDs) face extreme risks - and highly gendered violence - to promote and protect the rights of their communities. The attacks they face are often more sexualised and stigmatised than those faced by male defenders. When women human rights defenders are killed, local authorities and media outlets tend to dissociate their murder from their human rights work. WHRDs also encounter severe barriers to justice following attacks.

Berta Cáceres
Soni Sori
10 August 2008

All over the world, women defend the rights of individuals and communities facing oppression, discrimination and violence. Their work is powerful, and controversial. And it often meets with bitter, and violent, opposition.

Most women human rights defenders (WHRDs) are well aware of the risks they face. Activists know, from painful experience, the price that many pay for putting their bodies, and their families, on the line.

