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Blog Post
30 March 2018
By Erin Kilbride

Palestinian HRDs Endure Israeli Military Assault on Land Day

The Israeli military is nearly 24 hours into a violent assault on tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians and human rights defenders demanding the return of their land in Gaza. Twenty-four hours or 70 years, depending on how you're counting.

Take Action
13 April 2017

On 7 April 2017, a woman close to human rights defender, Marylen Serna Salinas, was abducted, interrogated, beaten, tortured and sexually assaulted by three unidentified men in Popayán, Colombia.

8 September 2020

In 2019, Front Line Defenders traveled to Manipur, one of the states in the northeast region of India. The state is under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces (Assam and Manipur) Special Powers Act of 1958, which effectively enables the Indian Army to maintain an ongoing presence in all areas of the state and to place all civilians under an effective rule by martial law. Under this Act, thousands of Manipuri civilians have been detained, jailed, tortured and extra judiciously killed by the armed forces and associated paramilitary forces.
