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Blog Post
Berta Caceres - protest
22 October 2018
By Emma Achilli

The European Union is currently developing Guidelines on the Right to Water. Human rights defenders protecting their communities’ access to water around the world face lethal risks for their work, and their expertise must be central to the EU’s proposed Guidelines.

Blog Post
5 January 2017

Autocrats had a good year in 2016.

Brutal repression received a lot of encouragement.

Killers and torturers enjoyed impunity.

The commitment to human rights of supposedly democratic political leaders remained weak, an optional extra, a nice thing to do if it did not interfere with other interests.

Putin and Xi Jinping led an idealogical assault on the very idea of human rights.

Blog Post
20 January 2021

Op-Ed published in on 20 January 2021

In recent weeks – that have been dominated by challenging and difficult news – it has been great to see Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason take up Ireland’s seat on the UN Security Council (UNSC), and for her to be already promoting an agenda around women, peace and security.

Ireland starts its two-year term at a time when the international rules-based system has never been under greater threat.

Blog Post
Hong Kong Protest
14 August 2019

“If you drive 40 miles inland from Recife you go back in time 150 years.” Those were the words of a human rights defender from the Pastoral Land Commission in Pernambuco, Brazil, as he tried to explain the lawless brutality with which landowners managed their sugar cane plantations. The reach of the state is weak and the level of corruption and abuse of power is high.
