Front Line Defenders
Encrypted Online Protection Grant Application Form

You can submit your Security Grant application online. Just answer the questions below in the box provided. When you have answered all the questions press submit and the application will be sent directly to Front Line Defenders.

After submitting your application a member of the Protection Grants team will contact you for follow up. All applicants will receive a written acknowledgement within 48 hours, as well as a written response whether or not their application is successful. Please give complete answers to all questions as this will form the basis of the decision on your application.

Ensuring the privacy and security of your data is our priority and this form is fully encrypted. We ask that you include contact details for us to reach you to discuss the application further and we would like to make sure that we are communicating in the safest way possible. If you feel that contact with Front Line Defenders may put you at risk we suggest that at minimum you use a secure computer, safe internet connection and open a separate, new email account and provide this address in the application instead. For further information see: Keep your online communication private ( and Communicating with Others (

All obligatory fields below are marked with *

First names *:  Family/Last names *: 

Gender *: 

Organisation/Collective name (if applicable):

Address of organisation:

Country *: 

Location type *: 

Phone number (include country code) or Instant messaging username/number (include name of the service for example Signal):

Email address:

Social Media (if applicable, your and/or your organisation/collective Facebook, Twitter, etc. if you would like to provide them):

How do we contact you securely? * 

Name of the person accountable to Front Line Defenders for the organisation / collective *:

1. What security risks are you facing? (Please include details of the most recent security incidents that have led you to apply for this grant)

Issue working on (related to the grant application):

Type of threat. (Press Ctrl/Control key and click to select more options or deselect option):

Source of threat / Perpetrator. (Press Ctrl/Control key and click to select more options or deselect option):

Please give full description of security risks you facing *:

2. How have security risks you are facing impacted your ability to carry out your human rights activities and/or your wellbeing and/or that of your organisation / collective? *

3. What measures do you propose? * (Press Ctrl/Control key and click to select more options or deselect option):

How will this help to reduce the risks and help you to manage your security situation? *

4. Give a precise breakdown of costs for each requested item / measure. (Note that Front Line Defenders may ask to see various quotes and / or may propose alternative options) *

DescriptionUnit ValueNumber of UnitsSub-Total

Currency used in the breakdown above: *

5. Please provide the following information on your human rights work and organisational structure where applicable.

Area of human rights work *:

Number of staff:  women: men: gender neutral: other:

Numbers of volunteers: 

Please give details on the main decision makers/leadership structure


Affiliation with other networks or coalitions *:

Have you been in contact with anyone from Front Line Defenders before? (if you do not know the title of the person you have been in contact with please add a note in other)
Protection Coordinator, Visibility team, Security Advisor, Digital Protection Coordinator, Training, Grants team,

How did you hear about Front Line Defenders? *

Have you applied for or received any similar grant from other organisations? *

6. In order for us to assess this application, please give contact details (name, job title, organisation, phone, email) for at least two referees who are well known within the human rights community in your country or internationally, and who know the work of the individual / organisation requiring support. *

Les formulaires peuvent être envoyés par la poste ou par e-mail à:
Front Line Defenders
Avoca Court
Temple Road
Co. Dublin
A94 R7W3


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Toutes les informations que vous avez indiquées sont envoyées par le biais d'un canal sécurisé chiffré (SSL).
Pour garantir une sécurité maximale, toutes les informations sont de plus chiffrées à l'aide de la clé PGP/GPG.