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Blog Post
Oyub Titiev in court
5 December 2018
By Masha Chichtchenkova

Last week I attended the court hearings on case of Oyub Titiev, the head of the Human Rights Center Memorial branch in Grozny who was absurdly charged with drug possession. I first met Oyub Titiev in 2009 after our common beloved colleague Natalya Estemirova had been abducted and assassinated.



26 April 2019

Migrant rights defenders in Central America, Mexico and the United States are coming under attack as the Trump Administration bullies and threatens regional governments into compliance with its demands to end migration in the region and stop migrants from arriving at the US border.

Blog Post
Damian Gallardo
20 September 2016
By Lorena Cotza

Yolanda Barranco Hernández will never forget the morning of 18 May 2013. It started with a loud noise. Seven men carrying heavy weapons broke down the door of her house. They were looking for her husband, Damián Gallardo Martínez. They didn't present any warrant. They said they were there to arrest him and they took him away.

Blog Post
9 August 2019
By Ligimat Perez

Guatemala draws a wide variety of visitors; backpackers, eco-tourists, chocolate and coffee aficionados and even Star Wars fans exploring the Mayan temple featured in the very first movie.

If you Google “Livingston, Guatemala”, your computer screen will fill with stunning pictures of pristine beaches, river and waterfalls landscapes and a colourful town that blends African and indigenous cultures, offering a unique Central American experience.

Blog Post
andrew in uzbekistan
28 March 2019

Andrew Anderson, together with the Front Line Defenders Protection Coordinator for Europe & Central Asia, Masha Chitchenkova, visited Uzbekistan in March 2019.

“The prison wardens used to ask me why I was smiling, was I pleased with my sentence? I asked them if smiling was against prison regulations.”


Make It Your Business

26 October 2021

Corporate Accountability Legislation in Ireland

The ICBHR is campaigning for new corporate accountability legislation to prevent abuses by making Irish-based companies accountable for a range of corporate human rights violations including forced labour, land grabs, attacks on human rights defenders, violence against women and denial of people's fundamental rights at work. The law would also allow victims to take companies to court in Ireland for damages

Blog Post
20 January 2021

Op-Ed published in on 20 January 2021

In recent weeks – that have been dominated by challenging and difficult news – it has been great to see Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason take up Ireland’s seat on the UN Security Council (UNSC), and for her to be already promoting an agenda around women, peace and security.

Ireland starts its two-year term at a time when the international rules-based system has never been under greater threat.

