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1 December 2015

Many companies now realise that wherever they operate, their ultimate licence to operate comes not only from legal agreements with governments, but also from their acceptance by workers, consumers, and the communities that surround them or are impacted by them. It does not mean that every company has got it right; nor does it mean it is always the fault of companies. In many instances, governments keen to build infrastructure, attract investment, or develop the economy are willing to disregard the views of communities, the rights of workers, or of consumers.

23 June 2016


In November 2015, at the Eighth Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders, Front Line Defenders (FLD) asked human rights defenders (HRDs) from across Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe and the Middle East/North Africa to share experiences of living under digital surveillance and the perceived impact this has on their work and lives.

holistic security
23 June 2016

Holistic Security is a strategy manual, created by Tactical Tech, to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being in action. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security into traditional security management practices.

Basic page
9 - 11 October 2013

The Seventh Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders at Risk took place in Dublin Castle between the 09 - 11 October 2013, and brought together 135 human rights defenders from 90 different countries making it the largest Platform that Front Line Defenders has hosted to date.

Closed Case
4 January 2016

On 10 September 2015, the Resident District Commissioner of Kabale threatened human rights defender Mr Justus Orishaba Bagamuhunda that Freedom Radio 94.7 FM will be forcibly closed down should he choose not to comply with an order to shut down the “Ganteere” programme and to dismiss its presenter.

HRD or Organization 
Closed Case
14 January 2020

In January 2020, the head of Kira Road police station informed woman human rights defender Nana Mwafrika Mbarikiwa that the case against her was closed and that she was no longer required to report to police station.

On 9 October 2019, woman human rights defender Nana Mwafrika Mbarikiwa was violently arrested at a peaceful protest that she organised in the city of Kampala. The demonstration was staged in protest against police brutality and human rights abuses in Uganda.


HRD or Organization 
Closed Case
24 December 2015

On the morning of 24 March 2015, human rights defender Mr Gerald Kankya was arrested and remains in custody at the Fort Portal police station over unsubstantiated claims that he took part in the assault of a local radio journalist in February 2015.

Kankya has been targeted for his human rights work in the past.

HRD or Organization 
