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Closed Case
13 November 2019

On 9 November 2019, Kumaravadivel Guruparan, a human rights lawyer and Head of the Department of Law at the University of Jaffna, was informed by Jaffna University Council that he will no longer be permitted to practice as a lawyer in Sri Lankan courts. The decision was made by the University Grants Commission (UGC), at the instigation of the Sri Lankan military and is an act of reprisal against his peaceful human rights work.

HRD or Organization 
Closed Case
9 November 2018

Following the arrest of human rights defender Sudha Bharadwaj and four others on 26 October 2018, there is an imminent threat of false charges being brought against Dalit activist and human rights defender, Degree Prasad Chouhan. The police have already implicated the defender by name in a fake letter produced by them on 31 August 2018, which they claim was written by advocate Sudha Bharadwaj.

HRD or Organization 
Closed Case
26 July 2018

Beginning on 14 July 2018, La Resistencia Pacífica de la Microregión de Ixquisis (the Peaceful Resistance of Ixquisis Microregion) and members of the community they represent have conducted a series of protests opposing the violation of their human rights allegedly caused by the activities of the hydroelectric company Energía y Renovación SA formerly known as PDH S.A., and requesting the closure of a military garrison and a police station at the company’s facilities in Ixquisis.

